Start feeling more vibrant and whole.
Fireweed Acupuncture provides acupuncture & full-spectrum Chinese medicine care in the Beaverdale neighborhood of Des Moines.
ear seeds
food therapy
gua sha
movement practices
facial gua sha
acupuncture - cupping - ear seeds - food therapy - gua sha - acupressure - herbalism - movement practices - massage - moxibustion - facial gua sha - microneedling -
Fireweed Acupuncture specializes in the following conditions:
Body pain & injury
Headaches & migraines
Digestive disorders
Improving sleep & reducing insomnia
Mental health & wellness
Menstrual cycle support
Perimenopause and menopause support
Facial rejuvenation
Microneedling & nanoneedling
LGBTQ+ affirming healthcare
Neurodivergent affirming healthcare
Workshops & Classes
Fireweed Acupuncture hosts a variety of classes, workshops, and events throughout the year - stop by the events page to see what is coming up next!
Shop the apothecary, featuring carefully curated small-batch herbal products, herbal remedies, tea, massage balms, and self-care items.
To shop: Browse during an appointment, or visit the online shop and order pick-up within two hours (during clinic hours).
Interested in free seasonal wellness tips and clinic news?
A few times a month, I send out a newsletter with information on seasonal wellness from a Chinese medicine perspective, along with clinic updates and event announcements. It’s the easiest way to keep in touch with what’s going on in the clinic!