This Journal is a space for me to write more in depth on topics that come up in practice, on social media, or in conversations. The entries are longer than your average social media post, but hopefully provide you with some useful information!
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Acupuncture and Dry Needling - What’s the Difference?
I’ll say right up front - this is a hot issue in both acupuncture and physical therapy (providers who do dry needling) fields, with a lot of opinions on each side. But, as patients, what is important is to know the difference and how each can help you! So, my hope with this entry is to clear up some confusion and answer some common questions.
Thoughts on Goal Setting
Many of us (including me!) like to start the new year off with resolutions, goals, or intentions. There’s something a little bit magical to me about milestones like a new year or a birthday - a chance to reflect and think of things you’d like to change going forward. While I don’t think there is a need to design an entirely new person every January 1st, I do think there is a lot of value in striving for changes we’d like to see in our lives! After all, life is about movement, and if there is no movement or change, we tend to stagnate - and stagnation in Chinese medicine is never a good sign. But, our goals and intentions can often quickly fall by the wayside.
What to Expect: During Your First Visit
Not knowing what to expect when seeing a new practitioner can be a big source of anxiety, especially if you’ve never gotten acupuncture before! This entry describes the process of your first appointment, from start to finish.
What to Expect: Before Your First Visit
Not knowing what to expect for your appointments can be a big source of anxiety for people! This entry walks you through the step-by-step of what to do before your first appointment.
Dosing and Formulas 101
Determining the correct dose of an herbal remedy can often be confusing for people and is one of the most frequent questions that I come across when discussing herbal remedies with people. There are many different schools of thought related to dosing, so I am going to try to give a general overview of the different types of dosing, (briefly!) discuss formulas vs individual herbs, and then at the end I will summarize the way I practice.