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Spring Book Trade

Spring Book Trade

We're back! Join Kate Thomas of Fireweed Acupuncture and Seeta Lee of Professional Contrarian for a fun afternoon of trading your fiction books for new ones at this FREE Spring Book Trade on Sunday, March 16, from 1-3 pm!

RSVP and find more details and FAQs on the Eventbrite page!

Bring any gently used fiction books, cookbooks, and books on gardening and exchange them with other book lovers. It's a great way to refresh your book collection for free! Whether you're into general fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, or romance - bring your fiction books to trade with others. This Spring, we're also welcoming cookbooks (no diet cookbooks!) and gardening books. You'll get a ticket for each book you bring, and each new-to-you book is worth one ticket!

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